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How to Enroll New Students

To enroll a new student(s) in Palmer ISD, you need the following:

  • A copy of child's Birth Certificate

  • A copy of child's Social Security Card

  • A copy of Driver's License of person enrolling student

  • A copy of the child's immunization records

  • Withdrawal from former school

  • 2 proof of residence**

  • Grades from previous school

**Proof of residence:

  • Utility bill showing your name and address as it appears on enrollment form

  • A signed statement from the apartment manager, landlord (if renting a house) or trailer park manager stating that you and your child(ren) are residing at that address.

  • If a child is enrolling with a Statement of Residency, the parent's ID/driver's license must have the current address where they are living.  The address of the parent and PISD resident must match to prove that both families are living in the same home.

To enroll, visit this website.


School Requirements:

Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students

Recommended Immunization Schedules (English/Spanish)

The website listed above summarizes the vaccine requirements incorporated in Title 25 Health Services, §§97.61-97.72 of the Texas Administrative Code. They are not intended as substitutes for consulting the Texas Administrative Code, which has other provisions and details.The Texas Department of State Health Services is granted the authority to set immunization requirements by Texas Education Code, Chapter 38 and Human Resource Code, Chapter 42.

Sign up for the online pre-payment system

PISD's food service department is excited to provide parents a convenient, easy and secure online pre-payment service on the website.  Parents can view their child's account balance, deposit money for meals and print reports on their eating history.  Visit and register now!


Palmer High School

972 449-3487

Palmer Middle School

972 449-3319

Palmer Elementary School

972 449-3132

For questions regarding immunizations, contact:

Elementary School Nurse

Carlee Presley

Middle School Nurse

April Norman

High School Nurse

Joanette Roybal